Scientific supervisor - MD, professor Tsypkun H. Anatoliy
Experimental pathophysiological studies conducted at the institute since 1947 in the laboratory of normal and pathological physiology (Head - professor Stalnenko E.). The main scientific direction of the laboratory in those years was study the physiology of digestion, including justification for the use of new dairy feed mixtures for children of different age groups and study their influence on the processes of digestion in the age aspect. In the 50th, under the guidance of academician Nikolayeva A.P. in the laboratory were conducted experimental studies on antihypoxic action of some drugs that later became the basis for the creation of a special combination of drugs for treatment of asphyxiated baby that got in the literature as "Triad Nikolaeva."
Since 1967, the laboratory headed by prof. Tarahovskyy M. At this time, research activities were mainly focused on the search for new effective antihypoxants (Rudnyev M., Tsypkun A.) study the impact of new classes of prostaglandins on the contractile activity of the uterus (Zaytsev L.) study the effect of drugs on the fetus (Tarahovskyy M., Tsypkun A.). In the 80th - began to conduct research in the field of clinical pharmacology and pharmacogenetics, and in the 90th - the study of the pharmacokinetics of drugs.
In 1989, the laboratory was reorganized in laboratory of pathologic physiology and clinical pharmacology (since 1999 head - prof. Tsypkun A.). The main focus of research are improving pharmacotherapy of major diseases of pregnant women and children on the basis of in-depth study of the characteristics of drugs on the fetus, the child and the female body in the dynamics of pregnancy.
For the last 10 years in the laboratory conducted fundamental studies of the properties of the receptor placental vessels and effects on placental vascular tone and utero-placental circulation several vasoactive drugs. Established presence in placental vessels of various types of adreno-, choline-, serotonin-, histamine receptors. Proved that their stimulation or blocking cause characteristic changes in placental vascular tone and utero-placental circulation. It is shown that the cardiovascular diseases of mother, feto-placental insufficiency syndrome, growth retardation changing nature of placental vascular response to neurotransmitter agents.
A wide range of activities from research features pharmacokinetics and metabolism of a number of drugs in children suffering from chronic hepatitis. Established the essential role changes microhemocirculation liver parenchyma in the mechanisms of this disease, metabolic disorders characterized role of nitric oxide in the formation of circulatory disorders in the liver of chronic hepatitis in children.
In recent years, considerable attention was paid to the development chronofarmakological research. Based on the study of circadian rhythms of several indicators of neuro-humoral regulation of body functions in children with chronic viral hepatitis before and after treatment showed that the study of these parameters can be used as a criterion for the effectiveness of therapy.
The laboratory also conducted experimental research on scientific rationale, development and study of the pharmacological properties of new drugs. Over the past 10 years developed several absorbents: UVESORB (licensed for medical use), FLAVOSORB (completed pre-clinical study).
In view of the main activities of the Institute in the laboratory for last 10 years executed 5 doctoral and 13 master's theses in the specialties of "Pediatrics", "Obstetrics and Gynecology", "Clinical Pharmacology." Currently performed 2 doctoral and 4 PhD theses.
Laboratory staff for the last 15 years has published 6 monographs, 57 scientific articles, 4 guidelines, made 12 inventions protected by patents and copyright certificates.