Scientific supervisors - Podolsky Vasily, MD, proffesor, tel. (044) 484 40 64;
Kornatska Alla, MD, professor, tel. (044) 483 38 61;
Vovk Iryna, MD, professor, tel. (044) 483 84 23;
Head of department - Mikhail Bondarenko, MD, tel. (044) 483-38-61.
List of members of the department:
Senior operational nurse - Khalepa Valentina;
Operating nurse - Korzun Iryna;
Nurse-anesthetist - Voytenko Oksana;
Assistant nurse - Yuzvinska Nina;
In operational block funktsionyuyut two operating, preoperative, had operating, hysteroscopic surgery.
Operating rooms equipped with modern medical equipment: respirator "Breeze", hysteroscope, laparoscope Resectoscope and monitor company "Olympus".
In the operating unit for surgical procedures come women with reproductive disorders. Disorders caused by carried inflammatory diseases polikystozom ovarian leiomyoma of the uterus. Patients spend reconstructive surgery on the fallopian tubes to restore their patency: neosalpinhostomiyi, salpinhostomiyi, salpinhotomiyi also spend autoimplantatsiyu fallopian tubes.
In the operating unit are diagnostic laparoscopy (for ectopic pregnancy, to determine the localization of pregnancy), and to establish a final diagnosis of infertility and the choice of further treatment of patients. During surgical laparoscopy restore patency fallopian tubes, ovaries and spend diatermopunkturu electrocoagulation lesions of endometriosis, vaporization fibromatous nodes kistektomiyu. Patients with cancer leyomiomu hold conservative myomectomy, hysterectomy incomplete, complete hysterectomy with applications.