Scientific supervisor - academician NАМS of Ukraine, MD, professor Antipkin G.Yuri, director of «Institute of pediatric, obstetric and gynecology», (044) 483 80 67
Manager – Bartenev G. Sergiy, MD, (044) 483 81 58
Department for children from 3 to 18 years.
The main pathologies: prolonged, recurrent and chronic nonspecific respiratory diseases - chronic and recurrent bronchitis , prolonged pneumonia, abnormal development of bronchopulmonary system and vascular apparatus of respiratory system, congenital and hereditary diseases of the respiratory system, including cystic fibrosis, asthma and respiratory allergoses, etc.
Survey of patients is conducted using spirograph, bronchoscopy, bronhography, angiography, molecular genetic analysis and other ancillary diagnostic methods.
Department advises and treats children from all regions without restriction.
The department is designated to treat 30 children.