
Scientific supervisor – MD, Prof., Oleg G. Shadrin (044) 483 81 17.

Manager- MD,Fisun M. Valentina (044) 483 62 51

List of doctors:

Kovalenko B. Galina-PhD

Misnik P. Valentina -PhD

Marushko L. Tetyana – PhD

Marushko V. Rostislav  -PhD

Dukareva V. Svitlana   – PhD

Basaraba M. Natalia – PhD

Chernega F. Natalia – PhD


Department deals with diagnosis and treatment of of infants (0 to 3 years). Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, fermentopatiyi, allergic disease, bronchopulmonary system disease, liver disease, pancreas, etc.

Department is also engaged in rehabilitation of children born to mothers with heart problems, diabetes, children born prematurely and with low body weight, from mothers with complicated pregnancies and childbirth

In all diseases will be evaluated and developed dietary food rations depending on the specific pathological process.

The peculiarity works is that the department is engaged in the most complicated pathology that occurs in children in this age group, many children come from different regions of Ukraine with diseases that represent the difficulties of diagnosis and treatment. This shows the experience of specialists department and great opportunities for diagnostic tests.

Doctors perform with departure to patients (“Airborne Medical”), requiring highly skilled care and can not be transported to the institute.

The department is designated to treat 35 children.