Supervisor - MD, PhD Tetyana M. Pushkareva 

The main areas of clinical work:

diagnosis and correction of the early relationship pregnant woman, fetus and mother - child;

diagnosis and correction of psychosocial development and mental border and psychosomatic disorders in children;

diagnosis and treatment of depressive and anxiety disorders in pregnant women;

psychological support for pregnancy and childbirth;

antenatal prevention of mental health of the fetus and newborn;

prevention of perinatal affection;

diagnosis of emotional and behavioral disorders and other mental health disorders of women planning pregnancy, women during pregnancy and after birth, and mothers with children;

diagnosis and correction of psychological risk factors for miscarriage, complications of pregnancy;

counseling and development of individual plan of psychological preparation for pregnancy and motherhood women and their partners;

counseling and psychological adjustment of women with reproductive disorders and women with postpartum depression;

counseling and psychotherapy women experience perinatal losses and long period of infertility;

counseling of pregnant women in order to diagnose the degree of psychological preparedness for motherhood and determine the risk of depressive and anxiety disorders during pregnancy and after birth;

counseling and treatment of women with anxiety, anxiety - phobic, somatoform, anxious-depressive and stress-related diseases;

diagnosis and correction of the system formation of maternal attachment and early relationships have - a child, the child-family;

diagnosis of psychosocial development and frontier mental disorders in young children;

psychoanalytic diagnosis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy of neurotic mental disorders in women and mothers with children;

psychoanalytic counseling, individual and group psychotherapy for women and children and families in order to harmonize the psychological development of children and family relationships; 

Courses of specialization, improvement of scientific information on child psychiatry early age (0 to 3 years) and current issues of health - psychological and psychological assistance to children, pregnant women and mothers with young children for child psychiatrists, child neurologists, psychologists, psychotherapists, social workers and teachers.